Chats hosted by Autistic in NYC
We host the following text-based chatrooms:
Our own simple chatroom web app for the Queens discussion group. (NOT CURRENTLY IN USE.)
A Zulip chat site intended to help the formation of various local NYC-area groups for adults on the autism spectrum. (Details here.)
For info about the chat groups we currently host, see Groups led or facilitated by members of the Autistic Peer Leadership Group.
For info about the kinds of groups we might host eventually, see Longterm visions for the autistic community.
Featured pages:
Various autistic peer-led groups including support groups, career-oriented groups, and hobby-oriented social groups, led or facilitated by members of the Autistic Peer Leadership Group. Our newest group is the Autistic Women's Support & Social Group. All groups currently meet via text-based chat. Some groups will hopefully meet in-person after the COVID crisis is finally over with.
A list of Online forums and social media for autistic people.
Where to get an ASD evaluation as an adult: This page will be expanded and updated sometime after the COVID crisis is over with.